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What are vape coils?

Vape coils are the heating element which are used and replaced in all different kinds of tanks and pods. The element is made from a ‘coil’ of wire which is normally made of kanthal, nickel-chrome, stainless steel or titanium metals covered in a cotton wick. This cotton wick is what absorbs your e-liquid so that when the coil heats up the e-liquid it is turned into vapour.

The coil sits inside your vape tank and when powered by your device, converts the power into heat which in turn vaporizes the e-liquid held in your cotton wick. The vapour then travels up through the chimney of your coil so that it can then be inhaled.

As there are a wide range of tanks available, each manufacturer tends to make coils which are specific to each tank, the coils can be categorized into two different types MTL (mouth to lung) and DTL (direct to lung).

Subohm (direct to lung) tanks embrace a variety of different coils including each type of metal which increases the number of unique flavours and experiences provided through vaping.By having a vast option of coils this opens options for true customisation with your device. Using the Smok Mag P3 as an example, this comes with the TFV-Mini V2 subohm tank. This tank can use the following coils which offer different ratings so that they may be used at higher and lower wattages to suit your preference:

Smok V2 S1 Coils - 0.15Ω 40-80w / Best 60-70w
Smok V2 A1 Coils - 0.17Ω 90-140w / Best  110-130w
Smok V2 A2 Coils - 0.20Ω 70-120w / Best 85-105w

Each coil has a recommended lifespan of 2 - 14 days, which is dependent on many factors such as which e-liquid is being used and what wattage it is being run at.

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